Frequency; Amplitude; Phase; None of the above; Answer : 2. It has two inputs, the carrier and the modulating signal, and the resulting output is the modulated signal. 1. Select the correct statement(s) regarding amplitude modulation (AM). Therefore, the relationship between the amplitude of the modulating signal and the amplitude of the carrier signal is important. b) 91 Analog Circuits Multiple Choice Questions on “Distortion in Amplifier-1”. This maximum output value depends on the source voltage(VCC. Also, if we apply too large an input signal, it may end up causing distortion. Small input signalAnswer: AClarification: If we incorrectly design our amplifier and a change in Q-point occurs, then distortion in the amplifier is observed. b) Step size is too large. b) Granular noise. Harmonics are produced due to the non-linear loads such as an iron-cored inductor, rectifiers, electronic ballasts in fluorescent lights, switching transformers, discharge lighting, saturated magnetic devices and other such loads that are highly inductive in nature. Required fields are marked *. a) 2.35v a. Amplitude b. c) Modulation index MCQ on Measuring Instruments – 3. It is approximately linear over a narrow range, as Fig. c) Modulating signal voltage = Carrier voltage Distortion is the alteration of the original shape (or other characteristic) of something. Many sine wave generation techniques simply cannot achieve 8. If the input signal is large then output exceed the maximum peak of output that can be provided by an amplifier. Answer: d Biasing errorAnswer: CClarification: The deviation of output from an exact copy of input signal with amplification is collectively known as the distortion of the amplifier. Harmonic distortion is caused by nonlinearities of _________A. Distortion Less Transmission - Transmission is said to be distortion-less if the input and output have identical wave shapes. What is the modulation index value if Vmax=5.9v and Vmin=1.2v? In an OP-amp differentiator a) The amplitude of output is proportional to rate of change of input b) The amplitude of output is proportional to input c) Output occurs when input is finite and constant d) Polarity of input and output is the same 34. ClampingC. Amplitude, frequency, and phase MCQs. 4. B. The slope detector is never used in practice, but it does show the principle of FM demodulation, i.e., converting a frequency variation to a voltage variation. The most likely choice would be a ______ amplifier. b) Modulating signal voltage < Carrier voltage Q4. Flat tops in the output signal is due to ___________A. ANS-BOLD OPTION Which of the following amplifier is considered linear? d) 3.21v, Your email address will not be published. Data and signal MCQs. Distortion of the original signal can occur if the time constant of the load resistor R1 and the shunt filter capacitor C1 is too long or too short. Expansion in time domain c. Compression in frequency domain d. Expansion in frequency domain View Answer / Hide Answer In this region, I c =βI b where Ic is collector current and Ib is base current, following linear relation y=mx. Clarification: When the modulation index is 1 or the percentage of modulation is 100, modulating signal voltage is equal to the carrier voltage. Using a push-pull circuit 3. Granular noise occurs when. In complementary push pull amplifier neither an input nor an output transformer is needed. Harmonic distortionAnswer: CClarification: Another name for phase distortion is delay distortion. Clarification: For undistorted modulation to occur, the voltage of modulating signal Vm must be less than the carrier voltage Vc. Modulation and Demodulation Objective Type Questions and Answers for competitive exams. Shift in Q-pointB. Step size is too small b. Test Your Answer Click Option Button. 7. b) Modulation frequency Granular noise occurs when. Answer: c a. Sources of Harmonics. MCQ in Electronics Systems and Technologies 1. Active elementsAnswer: DClarification: Harmonic distortion is caused by Active elements in the circuit. A Common Example Occurs When The Power Of A Sound Signal Exceeds The Power Of The Amplifier It Is Passing Through. a) Step size is too small. Digital Communication Objective type Questions and Answers. Calculate the harmonic distortion component for an output signal having a fundamental amplitude of 3 V and a second harmonic amplitude of 0.25 V. 1) Most Asked Technical Basic CIVIL | Mechanical | CSE | EEE | ECE | IT | Chemical | Medical MBBS Jobs Online Quiz Tests for Freshers Experienced. The maximum value (positive or negative) of an alternating quantity is known as its amplitude. Solution for Question 1. Non-linear amplification is a common reason for distortion in the case of transistor. Engineering 2021 , Engineering Interview Sources of Harmonics. This results in the greatest output power at the transmitter and the greatest output voltage at the receiver, with no distortion. a) Modulating signal voltage < Carrier voltage A. Q18. a. occurs when one circuit picks up signals in another b. is always bothersome because it has a high signal strength c. decreases with increased proximity of two wires d. decreases during wet or damp weather e. increases with lower frequency signals c) There is interference from the adjacent channel. Aliasing Distortion/Foldover Distortion. Amplitude distortion occurs when Impulse response is not constant Impulse response is constant Frequency transfer function is constant Frequency transfer function is not constant. a) Slope overload distortion. Which of the following components in a transistor circuit is really responsible for harmonic distortion?A. Any modulated signal has a high frequency carrier. Amplitude distortionC. Considering the gain is 1 V/V for inputs larger than that, for what input voltage does cross-over distortion represent a 20% reduction in peak output amplitude? 6. 1.5 P c; P c; 2P c /3; P c /3; Answer – (1) 15. WWW.ALLEXAMREVIEW.COM 1. Analog Electronics MCQ Questions and Answers: here learn anolog electronics multiple choice questions and answers related to electrical engineering. The unit of slew rate is or .. How to Measure Slew Rate? The unit of slew rate is or .. How to Measure Slew Rate? twice the steady state value, and falls to zero. This line is known as the envelope. MCQ Topic Outline included in ECE Board Exam Syllabi. InductanceAnswer: CClarification: Harmonic distortion is caused by Active elements in the circuit. Fax: 502-238-1001. b) Carrier peak line The binary signal when ASK modulated, gives a zero value for Low input while it … Where is the output produced by the amplifier as a function of time t.. c) Attenuated information c. Signal-plus-Noise-to-Noise Ratio. Clarification: Distortion occurs when the modulating signal amplitude is greater than the amplitude of the carrier, causing incorrect information to be transmitted. 10. DSP(Digital Signal Processing )Multiple Choice Questions Reviewed by Suresh Bojja on 10/23/2015 07:44:00 AM Rating: 5 Share This: Facebook Twitter Google+ Pinterest Linkedin Whatsapp OutputAnswer: BClarification: Due to abnormalities of transistor level of amplification varies with a frequency which constitute frequency distortion. Latest Digital Communications MCQs. Question: Problem Summary Clipping Is A Form Of Distortion That Can Occur When The Amplitude Of A Sinusoidal Signal Exceeds A Threshold Or Saturation Value Of An Electronic Component. Frequency c. Phase d. ... Granular noise occurs when. Amplitude Distortion: This type of distortion occurs due to attenuation in the peak value of the waveform. a) Peak line The zero reference line of the modulating signal coincides with the peak value of the unmodulated carrier. Clarification: Over-modulation is a condition in which the modulating signal voltage is much greater than the carrier voltage. ResistorC. A modulation index of 1 is the maximum level of modulation that can normally be applied and occurs when the envelope increases by a factor of 1, i.e. The maximum value (positive or negative) of an alternating quantity is known as its amplitude. b) Distortion c) Linear amplification. 10. c) White noise. IRD ® LLC. Clarification: If we incorrectly design our amplifier and a change in Q-point occurs, then distortion in the amplifier is observed. b) Granular noise. Answer: b Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf free download. The shift in “Q point” and amplification for less than 360⁰ of the input signal leads to amplitude distortion. Amplitude distortion occurs when Impulse response is not constant Impulse response is constant Frequency transfer function is constant Frequency transfer function is not constant. Incorrect biasing levelB. Distortion is a serious problem faced in power amplifier design. The FFT requires a time domain record with a number of samples (M) that is a power of 2. This constitute clipping. Frequency distortionB. c) 1.85v The following figure explains the types of … Delay distortionD. instrumentation amplifier is the extension of mcq. The digital modulation scheme in which the step size is not fixed is a. a) Modulator b) Transmitter c) Receiver d) Duplexer. Frequency distortionB. Slew Rate Units. d) Both a and b are correct . Low amplitude signals; maintaining a constant SQR through the dynamic range is desirable. c) Receiver Multiple Choice Questions and Answers By Sasmita March 16, 2019 Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Modulation and Demodulation In addition to reading the questions and answers on my site, I would suggest you to check the following, on amazon, as well: Which of the following is not a reason for distortion in amplifier output?A. Amplitude distortion occurs when a) Impulse response is not constant b) Impulse response is constant c) Frequency transfer function is constant ... To practice all areas of Digital Communications, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. Signal and Noise Amplitude Distortion. a) Modulator here you can learn mcqs questions for electrical engineering. Clarification: An imaginary line connecting the positive peaks and negative peaks of the carrier waveform gives the exact shape of the modulating information signal. If output of amplifier exceeds maximum allowable value ___________ occurs in output waveform.A. 795mV B. Carrier; Sidebands; Both sidebands and carrier d) Attenuation. These amplifiers have varying bandwidths based on the type of filter used at each point. Attenuation, distortion, and noise MCQs. Phase response is function of frequency: b. Home » Avionics Objective Questions » 250+ TOP MCQs on Amplitude Modulation and Modulation Index and Answers. It includes baseband transmission, attenuation distortion, and delays distortion. Low harmonic distortion is also required for meaningful results in applications such as LVDT signal conditioning, ADC testing, and, of course, harmonic distortion testing. ... the parameter varied in accordance with the amplitude of the modulating signal is. d) Ratio of modulation. c) 10 Because of this, the relative amplitudes of the carrier and modulating signal are important. Phase distortion will not create much problem in audio amplifiers. 13. Answer: a. Solution: whenever e g orbitals unsymmetrical, i.e., contain 1,2 or 3 electons in low spin complex strong distortion occurs leading to tetrgonal or square planer complexes. b) 9.99 Harmonic distortionAnswer: BClarification: If amplifier output is beyond maximum value it cannot display voltage further than maximum value. Phase distortion can also be called as _________A. Amplitude distortion is due to ___________A. Frequency-domain graph plots MCQs. d) Un-modulated peak line. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) is a type of Amplitude Modulation which represents the binary data in the form of variations in the amplitude of a signal. Frequency; Amplitude; Phase; None of the above; Answer : 2. As we know that if the biasing point of the transistor is correct, one can have output is the exact replica of input in the amplified form. Q18. The baseband bandwidth for a voice-grade AmplificationC. RectifyingD. a) Slope overload distortion. Which phenomenon occurs due to an increase in the channel bandwidth during the transmission of narrow pulses in order to avoid any intervention of signal distortion? a) 9.5 induced distortion, then the input signal level must not exceed A. The offset drift is attributable to temperature-dependent voltage outputs. The crest factor of a waveform is given as – a) 2Peak value/ rms value. Generally, output is a linear function of input only for a fixed portion of the transfer characteristics. Any modulated signal has a high frequency carrier. 9. The ratio between the modulating signal voltage and the carrier voltage is called? d) 0. This is the Multiple Choice Questions in Chapter 6: ... Distortion in a receiver can occur in: a. the mixer. Feb 17,2021 - Amplitude Modulation | 10 Questions MCQ Test has questions of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) preparation. Computer Network MCQs Some important Computer Network MCQs are mentioned here. Phase distortionD. d) Modulating signal voltage =0. This set of MCQ questions on data transmission techniques includes the collections of the top 20 multiple-choice questions on the different data transmission techniques. Impulse response is not constant: b. d) Bandwidth is too large . The FFT is an algorithm that quickly performs the discrete Fourier transform of the sampled time domain signal. Step size is too large c. Digital Communication Objective type Questions and Answers. 2. 11. The simplest form of demodulator which works but does have a few drawbacks. i.e., in distortion-less transmission, the input x(t) and output Your email address will not be published. 2. MCQs: Modulation & Demodulation Mcqs - Mcqs Clouds is a portal which provide MCQ Questions for all competitive examination such as GK mcq question, competitive english mcq question, arithmetic aptitude mcq question, Data Intpretation, C and Java programing, Reasoning aptitude questions and answers with easy explanations. The amplitude modulation AM modulation depth figure is complementary to the modulation index. It is called so because it associated with a delay. Phone: 502-366-0916. Many sine wave generation techniques simply cannot achieve Modulation index is defined as: where m(t) is the modulating signal and A is the peak value of the unmodulated carrier wave. What happens when the amplitude of the modulating signal is greater than the amplitude of the carrier? Here you can access and discuss Multiple choice questions and answers for various compitative exams and interviews. In an AM wave useful power is carrier by …………. This set of Avionics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Amplitude Modulation and Modulation Index”. ClippingB. b) Change in input. The instantaneous value of the carrier amplitude changes in accordance with the amplitude and frequency variations of the modulating signal. Explanation: If we incorrectly design our amplifier and a change in Q-point occurs, then distortion in the amplifier is observed. Answer: a Hence transistor is causing harmonic distortion. b) Modulating signal voltage > Carrier voltage If the time constant is too long, the capacitor discharge will be too slow to follow the faster changes in the modulating signal. Harmonic distortion in power amplifiers. a. a) Total information loss These short solved questions or quizzes are provided by Gkseries. Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Digital Communication . c) 83.33 In faithful amplification the output signal must be a scaled replica of the input signal and if there is any dissimilarity between the input and output waveform, then the output is said to be distorted. Answer: b The cross-over distortion occurs for inputs of less than 0.5V. c) Modulation index Explanation: If we incorrectly design our amplifier and a change in Q-point occurs, then distortion in the amplifier is observed. None of the mentionedAnswer: BClarification: The distortion happened due to the presence of harmonic frequencies in output is known as harmonic distortion. 5. In complementary push pull amplifier neither an input nor an output transformer is needed. Step size is too small b. Step size is too large c. There is interference from the adjacent channel d. Bandwidth is too large 8. Amplifier distortionB. Linear amplificationD. What is the circuit used for producing AM called? The crest factor of a waveform is given as – a) 2Peak value/ rms value. 6. 6. What is the modulating signal voltage if the maximum and the minimum voltages on the wave was observed to be 5.9v and 1.2v respectively? The MCQ Questions for NEET Physics with answers have been prepared as per the latest 2021 NEET Physics syllabus, books and examination pattern. b. the detector. Compression in time domain b. Thermal runawayB. Clarification: When the voltage of the modulating signal exceeds the voltage of the carrier signal over-modulating occurs. 2) Figure 12.7 shows the transfer characteristic of a Class B push-pull amplifier. This results in the greatest output power at the transmitter and the greatest output voltage at the receiver, with no distortion. d) Both a and b are correct . d) Modulating signal voltage = 0. Amplitude limiters are used to make the amplitude of the signal constant. Sinusoidal inputC. In amplitude modulation, it is particularly important that the peak value of the modulating signal be less than the peak value of the carrier. Harmonic distortionC. What is the condition for greatest output power at the transmitter without distortion? b) 0.662 The slew rate is measured by applying a step signal to the input stage of the op-amp and measuring the rate of change occurs at the output from 10% to 90% of the output signal’s amplitude. They are. Answer: c b) Maximum amplitude ceiling The carrier frequency remains constant during the modulation process, But its amplitude varies in accordance with the modulating signal. 395mV C. 795 mV D. 39.5mV. Q4. Most Asked Technical Basic CIVIL | Mechanical | CSE | EEE | ECE | IT | Chemical | Medical MBBS Jobs Online Quiz Tests for Freshers Experienced. What is the effect of distortion? Answer: d 5. 8. This test is Rated positive by 88% students preparing for Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE).This MCQ test is related to Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) syllabus, prepared by Electronics and Communication Engineering … The maximum power for universal Amplitude Modulated wave underneath the distortion less condition is. Required fields are marked *. TransistorD. Using a large number of amplifier stages 2. This constitute clipping and creates flat tops in the output wave. Your email address will not be published. Clarification: The modulating signal uses the peak value of the carrier rather than zero as its reference point. Also, if we apply too large an input signal, it may end up causing … In an AM wave useful power is carrier by …………. What is the percentage of modulation if the modulating signal is of 7.5V and carrier is of 9V? Shannon capacity MCQs. Resistive elements onlyC. If the amplitude of the modulating signal is less than the carrier amplitude, no distortion will occur. As wise people believe “Perfect Practice make a Man Perfect”. Compression in time domain b. Frequency transfer function is not constant. View Answer. This test is Rated positive by 85% students preparing for JEE.This MCQ test is related to JEE syllabus, prepared by JEE teachers. Granular noise occurs when a. The envelope varies above and below the peak carrier amplitude. Amplitude distortion is distortion occurring in a system, subsystem, or device when the output amplitude is not a linear function of the input amplitude under specified conditions. The received signal will produce an output waveform in the shape of the envelope, whose negative peaks have been clipped off. a) Decay Voltage gain of an amplifier is defined as ratio of output voltage to input voltage fed to amplifier. This is due to amplitude distortion in the amplifier. Many applications require a frequency and/or amplitude-stable sine wave as a reference for calibration or measurement. A specific Amplitude Modulated broadcasting ratio transmitter radiates 10 Kilo-Watt and the depth of modulation is 60%, the carrier power prerequisite is. They are of a different kind. Avionics Multiple Choice Questions on “Amplitude Modulation and Modulation Index”. MCQ Exam ON : Biosensors And Biochips . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. Hence the conduction angle is less than 180 Degrees. Many applications require a frequency and/or amplitude-stable sine wave as a reference for calibration or measurement. 6-12(b) shows, but for wide deviations, amplitude distortion occurs because of the nonlinearity. b. Clarification: modulation index m = Vm⁄Vc = 7.5⁄9* 100 = 83.33. Time-domain graph plots MCQs. Answer: c When the amplitude of the modulating signal is greater than the amplitude of the carrier, distortion will occur. a) Step size is too small. 50 dB . The problem in which output signal is not an exact reproduction of output signal in the amplifier is collectively called __________A. d) Duplexer. d) Amplified information. AmplitudeB. Clarification: The circuit used for producing AM is called a modulator. 14. ... Amplitude distortion occurs when: a. c. the IF amplifiers. a. The ideal condition for AM is when Vm 5 Vc, or m 5 1, which gives 100 percent modulation. Objective Questions and Answers on Digital communication . Harmonics are produced due to the non-linear loads such as an iron-cored inductor, rectifiers, electronic ballasts in fluorescent lights, switching transformers, discharge lighting, saturated magnetic devices and other such loads that are highly inductive in nature. Spectrum ,bandwidth of a signa MCQs. Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) is a type of Amplitude Modulation which represents the binary data in the form of variations in the amplitude of a signal. The diode detector is the simplest and most basic form of amplitude modulation, AM signal detector and it detects the envelope of the AM signal. d) 0.14, 12. b) False. ... Sinusoidal Amplitude Distortion. Also, if we apply too large an input signal, it may end up causing distortion. In amplitude modulation, it is particularly important that the peak value of the modulating signal be less than the peak value of the carrier. b) Step size is too large. a) Zero line Amplitude distortion is due to _____ a) Shift in Q-point. This results in the greatest output power at the transmitter and the greatest output voltage at the receiver, with no distortion. a) 100 What is the circuit used for producing AM called? b) Transmitter Which phenomenon occurs due to an increase in the channel bandwidth during the transmission of narrow pulses in order to avoid any intervention of signal distortion? RoundingAnswer: AClarification: If amplifier output is beyond the maximum value it cannot display voltage further than maximum value. Obtaining lower fixed intermediate frequency The AM diode detector can be built from just a diode and a few other components and as a result it is a very low cost circuit block within an overall receiver. Louisville, KY 40209. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Engineering interview questions,Mcqs,Objective Questions,Class Lecture Notes,Seminor topics,Lab Viva Pdf PPT Doc Book free download. Answer: a c) White noise. Here, 12/10 = 1.2 which is greater than 1 and hence would cause over-modulation. Which of the following modulating signal voltage would cause over-modulation on a carrier voltage of 10v? Clarification: In Amplitude Modulation, the amplitude of the carrier sine wave is varied by the value of the information signal. Large input signalAnswer: DClarification: Incorrect biasing level that is, if biasing level is not properly managed improper gain may lead to distortion. What is the line connecting the positive and negative peaks of the carrier waveform called? These circuits clip off the amplitude to a desired level, and hence the noise is limited. Example of a tuned amplifier is shown below. Q19. a. Amplitude Response should be constant for all frequencies b. ONLINE Multiple Choice Questions – Electric Machine Design PART 1 Power Electronics Special MCQ Part Two MAHATRANSCO Exam Pattern & Syllabus(Electrical ,Civil,Electronics & Telecommunication) Engineering 2017 4. 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