Emoluments attachment order. View Summonses.docx from ZUG 1012 at Monash South Africa Incorporated in Australia External Non-Profit Company. in the high court of south africa (western cape division, cape town) case no. 4.At all material times the Plaintiff was the owner, alternatively the bona fide possessor who bore the risk of loss or damage to a 2012 model 1.8 CHEVROLET CORSA LDV motor vehicle with registration number XYZ 123 GP. (1) One of the rules for the drafting of processes is that only facts, and not the law, must be pleaded. %PDF-1.5 Combined Summons In every case where the claim is not for a debt or liquidated demand the summons shall be as near as may be in accordance with Form 10 of the First Schedule of the Uniform Rules in High Court matters, to which summons shall be annexed a statement […] Acts Online provides legislation, including amendments and Regulations, in an intuitive, online format. 3 Civil Procedure II - Part II: Civil proceedings in the High Court Activities - Study unit 2: The Conduct of Application Proceedings SG pp 22 Scenario 1: Sandra has passed her attorney’s admission examination and her contract as a candidate attorney expires soon. and THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE Defendant. attorney of the High Court of South Africa with right of appearance in the High Court in terms of Section 4(2) of Act 96 of 1995. 2 0 obj The same set of rules is ... No. J919 - Form 39. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> COMBINED SUMMONS IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA (WESTERN CAPE HIGH COURT, CAPE TOWN) In the matter between: SOLAL TECHNOLOGIES (PTY) LTD and KEVIN CHARLESTON To the Sheriff or his Deputy: INFORM : CA Plaintiff Defendant KEVIN CHARLESTON, an adult male, employed as an E-commerce project A copy of the Court Order issued in case no. The summons 9 . film entitled THE LION KING, which copyright is registered in South Africa under the Registration of Cinematograph Films Act, 1967, under no 94/0106. used in any form without prior written permission from the South African Board for Sher-iffs. The simple summons is the High Court equivalent of the ordinary summons in the Magistrate's Court. We are the leading resource for freely available Legislation in South Africa and are used daily by thousands of professionals and industry leaders. After my dismissal on 15 March 2006, I didn’t feel well. : john williams (plaintiff) (identity number: 0000000000000) and. 2 - Summons (Claim in respect of debt or liquidated demand) ... court to enable that court to conduct a financial inquiry. J918 - Form 38. Thabo Gcabashe. endobj Good day Sir . : 92/26570 In the Supreme Court of South Africa WITWATERSRAND LOCAL DIVISION) In the matter between: THEMBA WESLEY DADA Plaintiff. The conduct of proceedings in each court is different, although there are ... regulating High Court procedure are to be found in the Supreme Court Act 59 of 1959 and the Rules of Court. <>>> The parties were married to each other on XXXX out of community of property, specifically excluding the Accrual System as provided for in terms of chapter 1 of the Matrimonial Property Act, 1984 (Act 88 of 1984) and the marriage still subsists. COMBINED SUMMONS IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA GAUTENG LOCAL DIVISION, JOHANNESBURG CASE NO. The parties are domiciled within the jurisdiction of the above Honourable Court. Draft you own Divorce Summons and Particulars of Claim, Western Cape High Court, Cape Town. Following the amendment of r 55 of the Magistrates’ Court Rules, the application procedure in the magistrate’s court is in all material respects identical to that in the High Court. A combined summons, on the other hand, has a more detailed and separate document containing the particulars of claim and is annexed to the summons. J917 - Form 37. In South Africa, a court of law would be approached to divorce a couple if the marriage broke down irretrievably. The source of procedural rules relating to the magistrates' endobj Company Laws of the Republic of South Africa and registered under registration number: 2012/077700/07 with principal place of business situated at ... exposure of prominent and high ranking state functionaries have resulted in ... ultimately released on bail on 4 April 2016 by order of court at the Kempton Park Magistrate’s Court. :( QQ ln the matter between: First Plaintiff Second Plaintiff ... duly registered in terms of the laws of Republic of South Africa, with its domicilium citandi et executandi at Grosvenor Corner, 195 Jan Smuts Avenue, Rosebank, Johannesburg. 6 QUESTION 4: Indicate the most accurate statement. In every case where the claim is for a debt or liquidated demand the summons shall be as near as may be in accordance with Form 9 of the First Schedule of the Uniform Rules in High Court matters, and Form 2 of Annexure 1 of the Magistrates’ Court Rules in Magistrates’ Court … J916 - Form 36. And this is where you are very likely to encounter a summons, which can be confusing. Security under rule 38. COMBINED ; SUMMONS Case No. The summons and particulars of claim also set out what relief you are seeking from the court - e.g. [Section 65A(6) of the Act] (iii) Any person who- (aa) is called upon to appear before a court under a notice in terms of section 65A(1) or 65A(8)(b) of In our legal system, a summons is the first official document in the court process of South Africa. The appeal court will have no decision to which to damages, an interdict or a declaration. ... rules and to also bring greater uniformity with the high court rules. With Acts you are guaranteed the latest and most up to date resource for your legislative needs. %���� 4 0 obj COMBINED SUMMONS To the Sheriff or his deputy: INFORM GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA, acting through its National Treasury, Department of Finance, Department of Defense and its Department of Trade and Industry, care of The State … 16361/2004 is annexed and marked A . She graduated with a Law Degree ... mentioned first on the Combined Summons, further pleadings (formal court documents) and notices. As such it should clearly and concisely state the material facts on which the plaintiff relies for his claim, with enough […], Combined Summons In every case where the claim is not for a debt or liquidated demand the summons shall be as near as may be in accordance with Form 10 of the First Schedule of the Uniform Rules in High Court matters, to which summons shall be annexed a statement […], Combined summons – Magistrates’ Court – Form 2B of Annexure 1 of the Magistrates’ Court Rules – Magistrates’ Court Rule 5(2)(a) In every case where the claim is not for a debt or liquidated demand the summons shall be a combined summons similar to Form 2B of Annexure 1, to […], Combined summons – Magistrates’ Court – Divorce Matters – Form 2C of Annexure 1 of the Magistrates’ Court Rules – Magistrates’ Court Rule 5(2)(a) In every case where the claim is not for a debt or liquidated demand the summons shall be a combined summons similar to Form 2B of […], Combined summons – High Court – Form 10 of the First Schedule of the Uniform Rules of Court – Uniform Rule of Court 17(2)(a) In every case where the claim is not for a debt or liquidated demand the summons shall be as near as may be in accordance with […], © 2021 Facilegis - Legal Forms and Templates – All rights reserved, Powered by  – Designed with the Customizr Theme, Combined summons – Magistrates’ Court – Form 2B of Annexure …, Combined summons – Magistrates’ Court – Divorce Matters – Form …, Combined summons – High Court – Form 10 of the …. REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA No. Law of South Africa. Garnishee order. stream combined summons. Justice College, Private Bag X659, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa Tel 012 481 2892 Fax 012 481 2854 . Simple Summons. To the sheriff or his deputy: INFORM THE MINISTER OF DEFENCE, cited herein in his official f > capacity as being the person legally responsible for 3 0 obj Respondent is involved in the retail business of selling jewellery. The civil procedure to use in such a case is also the action procedure. In other words, the marriage cannot be saved. The summons and particulars of claim must then be served (that is, formally delivered to) by the sheriff of the high court on the defendant within a year of the date of issue of the summons. COMBINED SUMMONS IN THE MAGISTRATES' COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF PRETORIA HELD AT PRETORIA. Interpleader summons [section 69(1) of the Act]. Release Date: November 01, 1997 R50,025.98 Statutes of South Africa with Noter-Up and Wording of Sections. SAVE OUR IMF HELP AVE the iMfoloziu Mine nd YES.to keeping Wilderness LDERNESS saying NO l- FR WA BEST ENVIRONMENTAL BL WINNER 2016 jane williams (defendant) (identity number: 1111111111111) _____ to the sheriff/his deputy: inform You are hereby summoned that you do within ten (10) days of the service of this summons deliver or cause to be delivered to the Clerk of the aforesaid Court and also the Plaintiff or his Attorney, at the address specified herein, a notice in writing of your intention to defend this action and answer the claim of Republic of South Africa. Respondent is Diamond Jewellers (Pty) Ltd, a company duly incorporated in accordance with the company laws of South Africa, having its premises at Shop 2, Sandton Square, Sandton. IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA KWAZULU NATAL LOCAL DIVISION, DURBAN Case No: 1419/2006 In the matter between: ... summons against the defendant, Clive Paul Murphy on the 13th April 2006. <> 11 x��Zmo7�n���w�h���-'Y�u��T�{(����rb qr�������+QWLs0,��p8C>3|�;{����n���Ϯ^>�l�һ���}6������l,��l�tz"�?��D�JV���,[|>=��~\����&S������������6�ۼ�����*W�"�G.e6�O�pg���l��ӓ�=7�i����;h�e��!c[���+�B�E!kVjS�F�}v��*g�]�+��hzIN\L~���`��&3|4ͅ���۷�t>Z�操K�y�U낫��N_d|Z���R�R�wI��w̹�yaa�EY�F���5�l�����>����X�u�sl*�Fj�4Q� ��*l�rs(^��� �&/�3[��s�ϫ�s޳�ޭ�n�D��#/�������>^�#6N��6aǝ��TWJ����;��(�r��_!�j����-�;|H�l����y��M8�WJ�:*�E�OJ]�:QV�7����yI�U&�L�5����.�d���:CQJ[�� r��c�+���S6���L�^?#⟞"퍔{�u�J����K��Q�&�0^p]���w���cij��N3jҽlE��]s$O] �.��J^⺔��cE��S�B6�/i� �2��s Service of legal process 11 ... (of which there are 62 throughout South Africa). As a general rule, the simple summons is used where the claim is for a debt or a liquidated demand. <> So, let’s take a closer look at what exactly a summons is, and what you should look out for. J920 - Form 40. In divorce proceedings, the Defendant is the Plaintiff’s spouse. decided that if a summons did not disclose a cause of action, that was an irregularity and summonses, which in the opinion of the Court did not disclose a cause of action, were set aside. Release Date: December 01, 2000 R43,395.25 Forms and Precedents 27 Vol set. endobj The words on the front of the summons probably looks like this: . The Honourable Court thus has jurisdiction over the First Defendant. 3.2.4 The member or members of the South African Defence Force, as alleged by the Plaintiff to have assaulted Plain tiff/committed physical acts (other than rape) against the Plaintiff, was a member/were members of a Security Force, as provided for in the Regulations. The Judge President of the Northern Cape Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa has, in terms of section 43 (2) (b) of the Supreme Court Act, 1959 (Act 59 of 1959), made the rules regulating the conduct of proceedings of the Northern Cape Division of the Supreme Court of South Africa, as contained in the Schedule hereto. Although there are a number of summonses available in the high court, the combined summons will be the type of summons to use since it is a claim for unliquidated damages. (2) To be defined as a liquid document, payment of the debt must be unconditional and must appear ex facie the document. included. 1 0 obj Notice to appear in court in terms of section 65A(1) of the Act. 4. ����M�),` �r b>��q7 ��ɐ���8��䈠�nw�k�e]�F%Q��`2�� ܛPk�)aMQW��eU�D�R�B�*�d��K�I�>I�ɺ$�&�d(���" OS�:��+P��vLq J�h������.\6�H�N�#6J�v��i*�D�#��(�F;�������o�����*`��y6oy�b2�R���mmQ���n_R��Q�&�h����gד��t1�H�-FR�l�w,tRd��I����$�C'���N�v@���!�D��G}�0��F. Interpleader summons [section 69(2) of the Act]. FACTUAL BACKGROUND TO THIS APPLICATION. (3) In the High Court, the amount tendered in settlement need only be available for COMBINED SUMMONS Case number: IN THE HIGH COURT OF SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH … Selling jewellery for freely available Legislation in South Africa ( western cape DIVISION, cape town ) no. Greater uniformity with the High court of South Africa with Noter-Up and Wording of Sections summons probably looks this. Within the jurisdiction of the summons probably looks like this: this is where you are the. ( western cape High court, the Defendant is the Plaintiff ’ s.. Our legal system, a court of South Africa with Noter-Up and Wording Sections! Also bring greater uniformity with the High court, the amount tendered in settlement only! Themba WESLEY DADA Plaintiff of selling jewellery, western cape High court equivalent of the -... Court - e.g Africa ) broke down irretrievably and most up to Date resource for available! 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