Search Marriage Records . Recorder of Deeds The Recorder of Deeds is responsible for recording and archiving real estate documents and the issuance of marriage licenses. Find Stone County Recorder of Deeds in Galena with Address, Phone number from Yahoo US Local. to restrict access to the Internet, to evaluate the value of any product or Pages The Recorder of Deeds office exists primarily to protect your right as an American citizen to own property and to provide historical information to assist you to make informed decisions about real estate. must be designated. Mailing Address: PO Box 275, Plattsburg, MO 64477 Email: Fax: 816-539-3893. In addition, servicemen’s records (DD214), tax liens and miscellaneous documents may be recorded upon request and compliance with statutes. Stone County Marriage License Requirements. Copy Fees – $2 for the first page, $1 for each page after. Users acknowledge that any reliance upon any Materials is at their own risk. The Recorder’s office is responsible for making record of documents primarily in Real Estate and the issuance of Marriage Licenses. 2. See also Recording Time Policy. Recorder, Marriage Licenses and Marriage Records. There is no limit as to combinations or exclusions, but must include the words 'grantor' or 'grantee'. Mrs. FIRST PAGE DESIGNATIONS The Recorder’s office is the permanent location of original documents. Go. New Users Lost Password release deeds, assignments, etc. * All other margins on the first and subsequent pages will be a minimum of 3/4" Free Search. Stone County, Missouri. The Recorder of Deeds is responsible for recording the following documents in request and compliance with statutes: New Users Lost Password Reference book and pages if required Documents brought in after 3:00 will be processed the next business day. Jamie Franklin Nichols has served as the Saline County Recorder since 2003. COVID Fund. Genealogy Records Search. By using this service, in any form, the user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Newton County Recorder and anyone involved in storing, retrieving, or displaying this information for any damage of any type which may be caused by retrieving this information over the Internet. Free Search. Questions can be directed to the Scott County Recorder of Deeds, Tara Mason at 573-545-3551. 65625 . Sullivan County Recorder of Deeds 109 North Main St., Suite … Barbara Clevenger, Recorder of Deeds. Go. Recorder of Deeds. Real Estate: $24 for the first page, $3 for each additional page per document Get your Stone County Lien Release form done right the first time with Uniform Conveyancing Blanks. * Top 3" vertical space of the first page only of each document is designated for the Recorder's certification. RECORDER OF DEEDS The Recorder of Deeds in an elected position with George holding office since January 1, 2011. The place to find out about all the services the County has to offer! Butler County Recorder of Deeds . This site provides links to information of interest to its users Population: 30,720 Area: 463 sq. Dallas County, Missouri Recorder of Deeds. We constantly review and update our forms to meet rapidly changing state and county … Go. Missouri Stone County P.O. EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY and, as such, there are many links to information that originates at sites not Certification: $1 per document. 102 North Missouri Street Potosi MO 63664 573-438-6111, Ext. ABOUT. .............3..........................$30.00 Office Hours: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. Monday – Friday This office is closed on county holidays. Office Hours: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. Monday – Friday This office is closed on county holidays. Malicious Prosecution Claims: Trend Or Anomaly? Date of the document information contained in or in connection with the Materials ("Products"). The purpose of this site is to make this information more available to the public. Genevieve County Recorder of Deeds. Legal Description Main Menu. 3. Deed records, 1854-1920. Stone County, Missouri - General County Info Stone County, Missouri Home Page. 3 Industry Ideals, Via Claims Payments. Welcome to Stone County Recorder's Office online information. INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OF ANY KIND WITH Jamie Miner, Recorder. TRENDING NEWS. About Us. * Grantors and grantees must be designated in order to be indexed. This will reduce rejections and allow for the priority of recording documents so long as the submitted payment is not less than the statutorily prescribed fee. Copy/Archival Services: The Recorder of Deeds Department maintains land, recorded documents, Marriage Licenses and other Executive, Legislative and Judicial Records dating back to the beginning of Jackson County in 1826. Ashley Jacobsen. downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this website Marriage License Fee: $51.00. Ms. Dietzel took office January 1, 2015. Important information to note about your office: Search Terminals available for public use. 5. service described or offered therein. Welcome to the Ste. Designations: Recorder, Marriage Licenses and Marriage Records. Please feel free to contact us if we can be of service to you. Jamie Franklin Nichols has served as the Saline County Recorder since 2003. Stone County Land Records. Return to Top. .............4..........................$33.00 7510, 7512 or 7513 Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Service Cutoff Times: Marriage Licenses 4:00 p.m. Recorder of Deeds. ("County") do not represent nor endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of Scott County Mo P.O. * The cover page must have the top 3" margin and include first page designations. ... Buchanan County Recorder of Deeds. Walk-ins are welcome but are subject to capacity limitations. Vicki A. The Recorder of Deeds office is governed by the state statutes of Missouri. Additional resources can be found on our Missouri State Public Records page, on city pages, and on topic pages using the navigation above. The responsibilities of this office are: Specific Power of Attorney for the Purchase of Property, Specific Power of Attorney for the Sale of Property, Personal Representative Deed of Distribution. Responsibilities: Record and maintain records pertaining to real property; Issue and maintain Marriage … Local Officiants. Laura Ryan- Deputy, Please feel free to print any part of it that you need. Documents brought in after 3:00 will be processed the next … 1. 940 N Boonville Ave. Springfield, MO 65802 Recorder of Deeds. 1776-2015 U.S. General Land Office Records Ancestry . The Stone County Sheriff's office, Judiciary, Circuit Clerk, and Jail are all in the Stone County Judicial Center on the east side of the square. 108-A East 4th St / PO Box 186, Galena, Missouri 65656. Other members of the team include: Jessica Baker- Chief Deputy, Issue and maintain Marriage License Information 3. Record Type: Property Ownership - Real Estate Ownership | Recorder: Rating: Poor: Vote: Report: About Black Book Online. Marriage Records. The Recorder Protects Your Documents. Examples: page numbers, form numbers, return addresses, etc. Recorder Phone 816-776-4500 Email – Rhonda Cooper Deputy Recorder. * If a document is presented for re-recording, in addition to all other requirements, there must be a new first page or cover sheet with the top 3" and the required first page designations. The office is a service of county government which neither infringes upon, or mandates to, its citizens. Platte County, Missouri Recorder of Deeds. OFFICES. Statewide collections are found on the Missouri Land Records page. 700 Main Street Ste. 108 E 4th St # A. Galena, MO 65656-9649. Brian Daniel Beck, 29, Imperial, and Montana Rhyan Asher, 25, Imperial. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . Local: (417) 357-6362. obtained by the user as a result of any advertisement , offer or other Dallas County, Missouri Recorder of Deeds. Records available in this search consist of released records. ELECTIONS. THE SERVICE AND THE MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED BY THE COUNTY ON AN * Statutory addresses must be designated, i.e. ROADS. Search Sullivan County genealogy records such as birth records, cemeteries, death records, marriage records, obituaries, and more. New Users Lost Password 102 North Missouri Street Potosi MO 63664 573-438-6111, Ext. Lawrence County Recorder of Deeds Pam Robertson issues marriage licenses and records documents affecting real/personal property, subdivision plats, tax liens + Lawrence County, Missouri Your County Government at Work. Recorder of Deeds The Recorder of Deeds is responsible for recording and archiving real estate documents and the issuance of marriage licenses. The Annex location is closed temporarily due to capacity issues. Note: This page primarily lists records kept at the county level. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE RECORDER: The Office of the Recorder of Deeds maintains and preserves some of our Community's most important records. The Recorder of Deeds is responsible for making record of documents primarily in real estate and the issuance of marriage licenses. Go. We do not have any blank forms nor can we prepare a … Copies: $2 first page, $1 add. The license is valid for only 30 days from the date it is issued and can be used in any Missouri county. Reviews (417) 357-6362 Website. 411 Jules St Rm 103, Saint Joseph, MO 64501. Mrs. Danielle Still, Recorder of Deeds A county-wide elected office with a four-year term, the Recorder’s position is held by Danielle Still. 7. Thank you for your continued interest in access to the Stone County, Missouri Recorder of Deed's online applications. PAPER AND INK Amy Larson. Recorder of Deeds. Recorder of Deeds. Box 18 Galena,, MO 65656 Number: 417-357-6127 Fax: 417-357-6861 Homepage Missouri Recorder Offices Page 2 Claims Pages including phone numbers, physical address locations, and website links. Mailing Address: PO Box 275, Plattsburg, MO 64477 Email: Fax: 816-539-3893. Certain records need to be requested from county agencies such as the copies from the Stone recorder of deeds office, assessors, boards and various forms of local government administration. The Jefferson County recorder of deeds recently issued marriage licenses to the following people: Dylinn Mikenzie Barnes, 22, Crestwood, and Alaina Christine Whitmire, 19, Herculaneum. "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE COUNTY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL WARRANTIES, Shirley O’Dell Recorder Phone 816-776-4500 Email – Rhonda Cooper Deputy Recorder. Get directions, reviews and information for Stone County Recorder Of Deeds in Galena, MO. the information or advertisements contained on, distributed through, or linked, Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (except holidays ). In addition, servicemen’s records (DD214), tax liens and miscellaneous documents may be recorded upon request and compliance with statutes. 108-A E 4th St. Galena, MO 65656 Stone County, Missouri was created on February 10, 1851 from Taney County.The county was named in honor of William Stone, first elected judge of Taney County . As of April 10, 2020, any marriage license issued by the St. Charles County Recorder of Deeds between Feb. 27 and March 20, 2020, will be honored until Dec. 31, 2020. Add to Print List Remove from Print List Notes. Butler County, Missouri. Select Stone County from the drop down menu at this link. Stone County, Missouri - Recorder Offices Stone County Recorder of Deeds. Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (except holidays). All grantees' names Local Wedding Officiants. OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED FROM NOON-1:00PM DECEMBER 16,2020 . Authors: Stone County (Missouri). AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, WITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICE OR ANY Geographic Areas . The Recorder of Deeds office is governed by the state statutes of Missouri. … * Signatures must be in black or dark ink to insure reproduction from record and must have the name typed, stamped or printed underneath. Beginning June 1, 2014 the following changes will be … controlled or reviewed by the County. EMPLOYEES. 7510, 7512 or 7513 Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Service Cutoff Times: Marriage Licenses 4:00 p.m. Stone County, Missouri Recorder of Deeds. COVID Fund. Welcome to the Stone County Chancery Clerk web page! Website . Welcome to our online search. Phone: 816-271-1437. MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS. New Users Lost Password: ATTENTION ALL USERS - SECURITY CREDENTIALS REQUIRED. ABOUT. * Minimum 8-point type. In Missouri, Recorders serve in four-year terms and are elected by county-wide vote. the responsibility of the user, or in the case of a minor, the parent/guardian, Stone County Library Genealogy Records . 1. Property Tax Levies. Still took office for her first term as County Recorder January 2, 2019. (Note: 'Attachment' does not refer to an Exhibit, but additions to a document page.) Important information to note about your office: Search Terminals available for public use. * Book and page references required on certain documents, i.e. User Name: Password: By logging into this site, you certify that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms set forth in the disclaimer below. The Recorder’s office is responsible for making record of documents primarily in Real Estate and the issuance of Marriage Licenses. Go. 65625 Mrs. Danielle Still, Recorder of Deeds A county-wide elected office with a four-year term, the Recorder’s position is held by Danielle Still. Genevieve County Recorder of Deeds. User Name: Password: By logging into this site, you certify that you have read, understand, and agree to the terms set forth in the disclaimer below. 4. The Recorder of Deeds office is governed by the state statutes of Missouri and preserves the real estate land records for Christian County. Blood tests are no longer required in the State of Missouri. It is our duty to maintain & preserve all records in our office. .............2..........................$27.00 39 . 55 . If one of the required fields begins on the first page and continues uninterrupted to subsequent pages, that meets the first page requirement. Original held by the University of Missouri--Columbia, MU Libraries. View All Missouri Recorder Offices. Digitized in 2005 by the University of Missouri, Library Systems Office. ETC. Blood tests are no longer required in the State of Missouri. Taney County, Missouri government website. Welcome to the Jasper County, Missouri Recorder of Deeds informational web site. Welcome to our new online search. If there is not sufficient room on the first page, the page reference within the document where the information is set out shall be stated on the first page. Stone County. The Recorder of Deeds … 3. Additional resources can be found on our Missouri State Public Records page, on city pages, ... Stone County Recorder of Deeds 108-A East 4th St., Galena, MO 65656 Phone (417)357-6362 Fax (417)357-8131. DROP BOX for tax payments is available at the North Entrance of Historic Courthouse. Search Stone County Library genealogy records such as deeds and obituaries. The Recorder of Deeds records, maintains and preserves the real estate land records for Pettis County. As Boone County slowly removes some restrictions related to social distancing, the Recorder of Deeds’ Office is making the following changes to our office procedure effective June 15, 2020:. General information about Stone County. It is our duty to maintain & preserve all records in our office. Thank you for your continued interest in access to the Stone County, Missouri Recorder of Deed's online applications. A 2.5% convenience fee is … Stone County Recorder Of Deeds 108 E 4th St Galena MO 65656. Phone: 573-686-8086. Landowners. * A cover page for the document is not required, but a filer may choose to present a cover page and it will recorded as the first page of the document. In addition to himself, George works along side his Deputy Recorder of Deeds, Amanda Aters. MARGINS Diane Beltz Deputy. Copy Fees – $2 for the first page, $1 for each page after. * Printed in black or dark ink on one side only Closed all State and Federal Holidays. The main location at 1 Courthouse Square in Liberty is open. It is .............5..........................$36.00 1 atlas (20 unnumbered leaves) : maps (1 folded) IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COUNTY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, Recorder's Office Recorder of Deeds. May. 100 N Main St, Poplar Bluff, MO 63901. Excess Limit — In order to provide for the timely recording of documents and to be cost effective, the Recorder of Deeds of Texas County, Missouri, will retain any excess payment of fees up to $10.00. Stone County Marriage License, MO. Ste. Buchanan County, Missouri. * No continuous forms or permanent binding, but documents may be stapled for presentation This page lists public record sources in Stone County, Missouri. Subjects . Ste. .............1..........................$24.00 ... (whether with the clerk of court or county recorder's office), and amount of the lien. Phone: 417-357-6362. Stone County Recorder of Deeds 108-A East 4th St., Galena, MO 65656 Phone (417)357-6362 Fax (417)357-8131. Welcome to the Ste. Our office in the Government Center may be visited by appointment for needs that cannot be met by phone or online. Stone County, Missouri THIS STEP IS ONLY NECESSARY FOR SUBSCRIPTION USERS IN ORDER TO ACCESS DOCUMENT IMAGES To continue access, you need to register. 6. Historic Courthouse - 8-4 Mon-Fri - 417-466-2662 HOME. PO Box 186, Galena, MO 65656. The Recorder’s office is responsible for recording many types of documents. 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